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* *
* SIGN UP! *
* *
SIGN UP! is a menu-driven program designed to register
participants into workshops. This documentation provides a brief
overview of the program and some essential information about its
o This program runs on the IBM-PC. I have not tested it for an
compatibles. It uses one disk drive. 64K is sufficient. It
requires only one disk drive.
o The program generates several dozen files when first run. It
is highly recommended that you begin its use with a disk
containing only the files SIGNUP.COM and COMMAND.COM.
o One disk will hold one workshop schedule. If you wish to
keep multiple schedules, make multiple disks. (Do this by
copying SIGNUP.COM to a blank, formatted system disk.)
o It is highly recommended that you back up the data after
each registration session.
This brief overview is organized along the chronology of
your projected use of the program.
Getting started
When the program is first started, it checks to see whether
there is a schedule already entered on the disk. If there is not
a schedule, you are greeted by an opening message that tells you
(or reminds you) of a few facts about the program. If a schedule
already exists on the disk, the program proceeds directly to the
main menu.
From the main menu there are options to create or edit the
workshop schedule, to register participants into workshops, to
examine or print the total registration or rosters, or to quit
the program and return to the operating system.
Use the create workshops option (by pressing <C>) to enter
details of your workshops. You will be asked whether you want to
create a workshop schedule. Answer <Y>.
This program keeps detailed count of not only which but how
many workshops each participant has registered in. When
participants register, they are limited to only a certain amount
of workshops. You choose that number, up to 10.
The program also registers alternates. There are two ways
for a participant to be registered as an alternate. First, he is
automatically registered as an alternate if he attempts to
register for a workshop that is already at its class limit.
Secondly, if he has already successfully registered for the
maximum allowable number of workshops, he may continue to
register as an alternate (only) for additional workshops. The
reason for this is so that classes will not go with empty spaces.
If a class hasn't filled with regular registrants, there may be
some alternates who were listed by this second method who can
enjoy using these available slots. Like regular registration,
alternate registration chances are limited. You choose that
number, up to 10. The program will ask you to input your choices
for those numbers.
The computer will be busy for about two minutes creating the
necessary files.
Creating and editing workshop listings
You'll then enter the create and edit menu. You're asked to
choose which workshop you'd like to edit or which workshop number
you'd like to create. It is suggested that you number your
workshops sequentially, i.e. beginning with 1, etc. Choosing <0>
will exit you from this function and return you to the main menu.
The screen will now display several categories of
information, workshop name, instructor, etc. that appear to be
missing the information about the workshop. If you were viewing
the information for a workshop already created, this information
would reflect whatever you had entered earlier.
You are asked whether you wish to change the listing. Since
it doesn't have any information, you surely do! Enter the
information at each prompt. The "<<" that appears at the right-
hand side of the screen before each entry not only prompts you,
it shows you where the length limit for that particular kind of
entry is. Do not exceed this limit.
Existing workshop information can also be edited by replying
<Y> when asked if you wish to change the listing. As a safeguard,
when you choose the option to change the listing, you are asked
to completely resupply each entry.
To simply view the data and not change it, choose <N>.
Remember that choosing workshop <0> will exit you to the
main menu.
Registering participants
When you start the registration module by choosing <R> from
the main menu, you will be first asked if you wish a printout of
each registration. If you answer <Y> you will be asked
additionally whether you wish each registration to be on a
separate sheet. Choosing <F> for one-per-sheet gives you a handy
way of handing a completed registration to each participant.
You will then enter the name, address, phone number and age
of each registrant.
Now it's time to begin the acutal registration process. We
must assume that your advance materials have prepared the
registrant for an efficient and quick registration process.
Ideally, the registrant will hand to the registrar a sheet with
name, address, phone number and age on it, and a PRIORITIZED list
of workshop choices which can be listed as simply as
5,8,1,23,6,9. The number of choices should equal at least the sum
of the maximum number of workshops and alternate registrations
When asked the first time for the number of the workshop
desired, enter the first number. Enter workshops in ORDER OF
The first thing the program will do is check that the
registrant meets the age criteria set out when the workshop
schedule was created. The computer will beep and you will be told
if the registrant is too old or young. The registrar may overrule
the age limitation by pressing <X> instead of <Y> or <N> when
asked if he would like to try registering for another workshop.
This is the only place that the override key is documented. It
does not appear on the screen since it is anticipated
registration may be taking place in the presence of registrants.
If the registrant meets the age limits (or they are
overridden) the program then attempts to register the participant
into the workshop selected. If the workshop has not yet reached
the class limit prescribed from the create and edit module, the
registration will take place and the program will inform you that
the registration was successful. If the workshop is already at
capacity, the you will be informed that the registrant has been
listed as an alternate, unless he is already registered as an
alternate for the maximum number of times.
Until the registrant is registered and listed as an
alternate the maximum numbers of times, you will be asked after
each registration if you would like to register for another
workshop. Answering <Y> will send you through the registration
process again.
If the registrant has successfully registered for the
maximum number of workshops but still has not been registered the
maximum number of times as an alternate, the program will allow
you to register him as an alternate only.
Once the registrant has successfully registered and has been
alternate listed the maximum numbers of times--or you choose <N>
when asked it you'd like to register for another workshop--the
program will signal that registration is complete for this
registrant. If you have selected to print out each registration
as it occurs, it will print the participant's completed
registration. The program will then ask you if you'd like to
register another participant. Answering <Y> will send you through
the entire registration process again. Answering <N> will send
you to the main menu.
Printing or viewing rosters and registration
Choosing this option from the main menu presents you with
another menu. You may choose to print out a complete
registration. It will list each registrant, beginning with a
registration number that is also listed in all his roster
listings for complete cross refrencing. The registration list
will include complete address for each registration as well as
age and a list of all workshops in which he has registered or has
been listed as an alternate.
If you ask to examine or print rosters, you will then see a
screen much like the one you used to choose the workshop to
create and edit. Enter the number of the workshop for which you
wish to see a roster. As before, choosing <0> will return you to
the menu--in this case, the roster and registration menu.
Next you will be asked if you wish to view the roster on the
screen or on the printer. If you choose the screen, the program
will list all of those who are successfully registered first, and
then those that are alternates. The number to the far left is the
registrant's registration number, and the number just to the left
of his name is the order in which he registered in the workshop.
His name and telephone number are included in the roster listing.
Alternates are denoted with "**Alt" on the left.
If you choose to print the roster on the printer, regular
registrants will once again be listed before alternates. The far
left number is the registration number of that registrant (for
cross reference to the main registration list).
Your use of this program should draw on your experience in
running a workshop schedule. It is suggested that you allow about
the same number of alternate choices as registrations, if not a
little more (i.e., eligible to register in 4 workshops and as an
alternate 5 times).
It is also suggested that you try this program out on a dry-
run basis to become familiar with it before using it for a big
registration day. Remember to start over with a disk with only
If you like and make use of this program, you are asked to
send $25.00 to:
James Edmunds
PO Box 2185
New Iberia, LA 70561
You are free to copy and distribute this program to others
so long as:
1. It is distributed with this documentation.
2. Neither the program nor the documentation are altered in
any form.
This program was written in Turbo Pascal. Source code for
this program is available through limited channels and may be
studied but not altered, recompiled or distributed under the name
SIGNUP by anyone but its author.